Stupid By Choice
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Martin Luther King Jr (1964). He stated this great truth in relationship to the religious and national ignorance towards the African American peoples and other minorities.Conscientious stupidity means that people are purposely choosing to live in error, or to believe untruths and misinformation, at the expense of provable reality. This has been the choice of mankind towards God for the extent of Bible history and is even more relevant today. Not only do minorities suffer as a result; the whole human race suffers under the same delusion. The reality of physical and spiritual death faces all of us, but those who hold power tend to dominate the weak rather than help them. God has been trying to awaken humanity to the false reality and the wilful ignorance that they have chosen... he offers them life in far greater abundance than they could ever imagine. This is where our role comes in as spirit filled ambassadors... we have proof.
A Bit About God's Nature
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
God is the same at all times and never changes. When Jesus came on the ministry scene, he also had the same nature as God... Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. As time passed, God has been able to bring in better covenants that are more effective than others. This is due to the gains and opportunities made by faithful men and women. After the death and resurrection of Christ, God had a mechanism for continually providing the bulk of his desired blessings for all humanity... the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Interestingly, God has always offered mankind the same types of blessings, but he never had a consistent and effective way of doing so. God's nature has never changed... as the following verses indicate.
The Start And The Building Of God's Church Pt4
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Once filled with the Holy Spirit we need to make the second greatest choice of our lives. We need to be just as diligent in prayer and action to stay saved as we did to get saved. Then comes our third responsibility... to restore where possible those who have failed to build themselves up and continue on with their salvation in the way that God has made available. These 3 actions lead us to understand the principle that supports them all... the Love of God.
The Start And The Building Of Gods Church Pt3
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Once filled with the Holy Spirit we need to make the second greatest choice of our lives. We need to be just as diligent in prayer and action to stay saved as we did to get saved. Then comes our third responsibility... to restore where possible those who have failed to build themselves up and continue on with their salvation in the way that God has made available.
The Start And The Building Of God's Church Pt2
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Part 2. Once filled with the Holy Spirit we need to make the second greatest choice of our lives. We need to be just as diligent in prayer and action to stay saved as we did to get saved. This is always our choice and our choice alone. We have already used bible examples to disprove many myths and false doctrines about salvation... we also rejoice because we are shown how to use God's power, wisdom and obedience to remain in our saved state.
The Start And The Building Of God's Church
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
Here is a brief summary of the purpose and content of the books of the New Testament. The Gospel books... The historical, prophetic and spiritual record of Jesus, the son of God... his words, his deeds and promises... death and resurrection. The book of Acts... The only detailed accounts of the founding of the church and of full scriptural salvation. The first history and missionary journeys of those who preached the gospel of Jesus Christ, how the spirit was recognised by miracles signs and wonders, and the opposition they faced. The Epistles... Letters and some prophecies to the churches/leaders in various stages of development. They deal with all life issues and how to maintain faith and sound doctrine through the power of God... for everyone.
How Old Was Timothy
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
How old was Timothy when this scripture was written? 1Timothy 4:12 Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in faith, in purity. It is falsely assumed that Timothy was in his late teens or early twenties when these verses were written, but a quick check of bible chronology, and the established dates of the writings of the following letters, give us a far better grasp of Timothies age through the scriptures.
God Has You Covered
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
God has prepared a gospel for the weakest of the weak, right through to the strongest of the strong. God cares for us much more than we can imagine. When we are weak we can become strong, because that is when we hand over to God and let him do the work that we cannot. God can cover our sins as easy as Adam and Eve covered themselves with fig leaves. God went one better and covered them more permanently with animal skins. By forgiving us our sins, God gives us room and time to grow and learn from mistakes and weaknesses... to develop spiritually. However, a working faith is required... to believe God by acting upon his directions (to obtain salvation and live in it).
Starting And Building God's Church
By Pastor Brad Smith [Fraser Coast Revival Fellowship]
A brief summary of the books in the New Testament. The Gospel books... The historical and spiritual identification of Jesus, the son of God, his words, deeds and promises... death and resurrection. The books of Acts... The only detailed accounts of scriptural salvation and the founding of the church. The first history and missionary journeys of those who preached the gospel of Jesus Christ, how the spirit was recognised by signs and wonders, and the opposition/persecution they faced. The Epistles... Letters and some prophecies to churches/leaders in various stages of development. They deal with all life issues, how to maintain faith and sound doctrine through the power of God, for every true believer.
To Walk With Christ
By Pastor Brad Smith [Brisbane]
What does it mean to walk with Jesus Christ (to walk in the Spirit)?To walk with Jesus is the most important thing that anyone can possibly do... this is where the Lord will take walk with the walk with walk with the Holy walk in a path that you have never been down walk in power and wonderment...